When it comes to taxes many individuals have the tendency just to report their income and a few other expenses that they have become accustomed to collecting, such as...
The CRA Voluntary Disclosure Program grants relief to taxpayers who voluntarily omitted or made an error on their tax returns. In the program, taxpayers can correct or make changes...
Are you an American living in Canada who has never filed U.S. tax returns? How about F-bars? You may be in trouble as the IRS may take extreme measures...
Due to recent investigations conducted by the Canada Revenue Agency on Valentine’s Day, 2018 (by no coincidence), this has resulted in the execution of 3 search warrants with respect...
Are you a Temporary Residence such as Student/Working Permit Holder and looking to file your personal tax return? We have provided individual tax return service to people with different residential/citizenship statuses...
Sole Proprietorship or Incorporation is one of the most frequent questions we have been asked during our initial consultation. Introduction We have recently experienced an increasing demand with regards...
Introduction on Bitcoin Bitcoin is currently the most notable digital currency. Although Bitcoins only exists in a digital form, it still provides the normal functions of other types of...
Introduction In a country where the middle class dominates a majority of the population and can earn anywhere between $23,357 up to $55,498 for individuals and $38,755 to $125,009 for families of two or...
Recently Trump administration and Congressional Republican leaders released the Unified Framework with regards to the U.S tax reform. This Framework has highlighted the major changes including lower personal tax...
What is RRSP and what are the Benefits? An RRSP account is a retirement savings plan that you can establish with qualified institutions such as banks, credit unions, trusts...